Luke Francis
Luke Francis serves as an Associate in the Senior Leadership Division. Luke stewards his life call by guiding teams and leaders towards their clear and better next. Drawing from a record of delivering catalytic results in a diverse set of church size and stage, he focuses on teams and leaders navigating seasons of transition and renewal in pursuit of God’s better future. Luke’s steady and quiet influence as a strategic shepherd is behind many of today’s leading church planting expressions across North America.
He is an Advanced Certified StratOp and Lifeplan facilitator, as well as a Certified Change Management Practitioner from Prosci® and Insights® Discovery Practitioner. He holds a Certificate in Executive Non-Profit Leadership from Indiana University and is a licensed Send Network Trainer. He also holds a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Ohio University and a Master’s in Missional Church Movements from Wheaton College. Utilizing his second chair leader gifting, Luke serves as Executive Pastor at First Light Church, a multi-generational multi-site church in Dayton, Ohio and with Auxano as the Strategist Training Lead.
Luke and his wife enjoy golfing, playing music together, and perfecting their Friday night at-home pizzas with their son.